Give Us Your Balls

Ask for help not because you are weak, but because you want to remain strong.”

Running a business can be a juggling act, except that all the balls are made of glass and those balls are filled with more balls. Some days the list of things to do can feel endless, and for some, that feeling can be overwhelming. It can take the fun out of what you’re doing, and in the end isn’t that why you started your own business; so that you could enjoy what you do? 

‘Hustle Culture’ (also known as Burnout Culture) tells us that we should be able to do it all. That if you're not overloaded with tasks and hooking up a coffee IV just to get through it all then you're not doing it right. It’s this romanticised idea that if you work your fingers to the bone you can achieve anything, even if that comes at the cost of your mental and physical health, your relationships, and sometimes at the expense of your business’s bottom line.

We’re here to tell you that it doesn't have to be that way.

Give us your balls. (Your glass balls, please. Get your minds out of the gutter).

The overwhelm of business ownership and the desire to do it all can feel inescapable. Today’s business culture overemphasizes self-reliance, but real success requires learning how to ask for help. The first step is saying “I need help”. Maybe you only need to say it to that wilted fiddle leaf sitting beside you for it to feel real, but saying it out loud and acknowledging its truth is the first (and hardest) step.

From there, it’s a matter of writing a list of the things that are causing you stress, copy-pasting that list into an email to Okay VA, and hitting send.

If you’re still unsure you need help or are on the fence, here are five ways to know that you need help. Although to be honest, talking to a fiddle leaf fig is a surefire sign you need to email us.

Okay, let’s jump in. 

1 Inbox overload

Does your inbox have unread emails in the triple figures? In the thousands? Imagine opening your emails in the morning to just a handful of genuinely important ones. Just imagine the Zen-like feeling of not having to sift through reams of emails to find the one you’re looking for. We’ll sort, respond, and organise your inbox so that you can see just fun stuff and stop having email-induced panic attacks.

2. Time warp (and not in the fun, Rocky Horror way)

If you constantly feel like you spend the day going in circles and chasing deadlines you never seem to meet, then we can help! We’ll help you regain control of your days by streamlining processes, organising your calendars and meetings, and giving you time to breathe so that you can feel more relaxed.

It’s just a jump to the left…

3. Social Media exhaustion

If your social media profiles are gathering dust and the backend of your business profile is a barren wasteland of saved reels and zero engagement, then baby you need a VA. In particular, you need someone who knows the ins and outs of social media and how best to use each platform to your advantage. We’ll not only overhaul your presence but teach you how to keep that rhythm going in a way that’s accessible and stress-free, so that you can get back to stalking your ex’s profile, I mean, researching your next holiday.

4. Repetition Repetition Repetition 

If doing those mundane daily tasks sucks the life out of you, then get rid of them. In the proverbial sense anyway. Data entry, making phone calls, appointment scheduling, even customer support - free yourself of the daily tasks that stop you from doing what you’d rather be doing and unleash that creativity. Turn your phone on silent, grab your brushes, and do what you do best.

5. Balancing Act

One of the biggest and most important reasons to start outsourcing tasks is the work-life balance. You know it’s time to get help when your kitchen table is covered with work you’ve been meaning to do, or you find yourself stuck in the office until all hours starting at a blank social media calendar, eyes bleeding, brain screaming at you to RUN. Babe, that ain’t it. Hire a VA and get home on time knowing you’ve got a month of pre-made Instagram posts ready, your invoices are paid, and that all the correspondence to clients is complete.

If you ticked any or all of these then it’s time to embrace the virtual assistant revolution. At OkayVA & Creative Solutions we’re here to help you reclaim your free time and your sanity, and supercharge your business’s potential. It’s as easy as sending us an email to get started - just a few lines to let us know what you need. We’ll get back to you within 24 hours and within days you could be sippin’ margs by the pool while we get your business into shape.


So you want to design a website…


Watch Your Tone of Voice